Firm-wide Day of Service
On September 17, more than 200 Bernstein Shur attorneys and staff members from across the firm’s three New England offices teamed up for a Day of Service to give back to their respective communities and local organizations.
“Giving back to our communities is a core part of who we are,” said Pat Scully, CEO of Bernstein Shur. “On average, our firm collectively dedicates nearly 2,000 hours each year in pro bono legal services, and many regularly volunteer for local nonprofits. Whether in the office or out in the community, we owe it to our friends and neighbors to use our knowledge and skills to improve the lives of those around us any way we can.”

New Horizons
In New Hampshire, a group of employees from the firm’s Manchester office assisted New Horizons with long-overdue renovations to their food pantry, which provides groceries to over 900 local families each month.
In ME, we divided our efforts among five organizations.

Pine Tree Camp
A group of employees assisted Pine Tree Camp with extensive building maintenance and grounds cleanup for the camp’s 38 buildings, two overnight camping areas, more than a mile of nature trails, and ME’s only fully-accessible treehouse.

Camp Sunshine
Employees assisted Camp Sunshine in Casco with preparations for the fall season, including painting, grounds cleanup and general maintenance.

Goodwill Northern New England
Employees joined Goodwill Industries of Northern New England’s Workforce Services program to help local job-seekers with interview preparations, including mock interviews and resume critiquing. Volunteers also lent a hand as part of Goodwill’s Residential Services program, assisting residents of Helms Way in Gorham with lawn raking and seeding, garden bed weeding, debris removal and autumn planting.

Good Shepherd Food-Bank
Employees assisted Good Shepherd Food Bank with preparations for its supplement nutrition programs, as well as sorting and preparing donations for storage.

Saco Bay Trails
More than fifty employees assisted Saco Bay Trails with extensive trail repairs, maintenance, and improvement projects in preparation for the fall hiking season.